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Felicitation Ceremony

Felicitation Ceremony for staff on completing 25 years of Service at St Aloysius Institutions

A felicitation program was conducted by SACAA for the staff of St Aloysius Institutions on completing of their 25 years of service at various units in the prestigious organization. The program was held at the L F Rasquinha Hall on April 26, 2023.

The program started with invocation led by the students of chemistry department followed by the welcome dance.

The dignitaries Rev.Fr Melwin Pinto SJ(Rector and SACAA Patron), Rev. Dr Praveen Martis SJ(Principal and SACAA Director), Mr Sunil Kunder K(SACAA President), Mr Anil Kumar J(SACAA Secretary), Dr Richard Gonsalves(Convener), Rev. Fr Clifford Sequeira SJ(Principal of PU college) and Rev. Fr John Dsouza SJ(Principal of ITI) were present on the dais.

SACAA president Mr Sunil Kunder K welcomed the gathering. Dr Praveen Martis SJ, in his felicitation speech said, “Its not the building which makes the institution, rather it’s the people in it. You are the true ambassadors and you are the ones who make this institution strong”. He gave a new meaning to the term VRS, i.e when one serves the institute with is Vision, he carries outs his Responsibility in various capacities with a dedicated Service.

Nearly 46 Teaching as well as Non teaching staffs were felicitated during the programme with Certificates, Shawl, Mementoes and gift boxes.

Dr. Alwyn D’Sa, Registrar of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), in his reply to the felicitation thanked SACAA and the institute on behalf of all the honorees for the wonderful opportunity that the institution has bestowed on them. He also kept the audience amused as he spoke about his journey at the institute.

Ms Jositta Iveera Noronha(Principal of Higher Primary School) thanked SACAA for organizing this program and expressed gratitude for their kind gesture.

Mr Charles Pinto also thanked SACAA and the institute for this beautiful event and he too reminisced the Reunion day that SACAA conducted every year on 12th January where he was given charge of stage lightings which he stills holds close to his heart.

Rev. Fr Melwin Joseph Pinto S.J. in his presidential speech wholeheartedly thanked all the staff for their dedicated service in the organization. He also said that the Alumni(SACAA) were planning for this event since a long time. In his remarks he said “With MAGIS we learn that, you are never satisfied with what you do, there’s always something more. Sometimes it leads to fatigue but it bring out the best in you.”

The program ended by singing the national anthem. The Convener,Dr Richard Gonsalves proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Abhishek and Dr Arathi Shanbhag compered the programme.